Home Address

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Home Address

Select Current Location

Home Address

Select Current Location

My Family

Personal Information






Family Physician

Family Physician?

Blood group

What Is Your Blood Group?


What Is Your Nationality?


Drug and Reaction

Are you allergic to any of these drugs?

Environment and Reaction

Are you allergic to any of these environment allergies?

Environment and Reaction

Are you allergic to any of these environment allergies?

Food and Reaction

Do you have any other Allergies?



Do you smoke

Alcohol Use

Do you consume Alcohol?

Physical Acitivity

How many days of physical Activity do you do in a day?

Food and Reaction

Do you have any other Allergies?

Occupation & Description

What is your Occupation Status?
Type of Work
Type of Work
Occupational Exposure to dust, smoke, chemical, foams,fiber etc.
Stress at Work?

Medical History

Have you ever been diagnosed with the following ailments?

Physical Acitivity

How many days of physical Activity do you do in a day?

Food and Reaction

Do you have any other Allergies?

Hospitalization History

Were you hospitalized in the last 3 years?

Surgical History

Did you undergo any surgery previously?

Medication History

Taking any medications?

Family Medical History

Do you have a Family History of the following?

Heart Disease?
High Cholesterol (HYPERLIPIDEMIA)?

My Corner

Please select any two interests

Insurance Renewals

Add Insurance


Add Vaccination

Stay Healthy, Stay Fit

Happy to find that you have not consulted any Doctor so far. Get personalized Nutrition Plans, Fitness plans. Immunization, Favourite Goals and personalized Health checkups and Stay Healthy

Tab 2

Happy to find that you have not consulted any Doctor so far. Get personalized Nutrition Plans, Fitness plans. Immunization, Favourite Goals and personalized Health checkups and Stay Healthy

Look Like You Have No Order

Look Like You Have No Order

Look Like You Have No Order

Stay Healthy, Stay Fit

Happy to find that you have not consulted any Doctor so far. Get personalized Nutrition Plans, Fitness plans. Immunization, Favourite Goals and personalized Health checkups and Stay Healthy


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70 kgs



70 kgs


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Upload and organize your health reports and store them securely in your health locker. No hassle of carrying papeR reports anymore.

Upload and organize your health reports and store them securely in your health locker. No hassle of carrying papeR reports anymore.

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